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Agents-Blue Falcons 7-2




Saturday sep 28 2019, The Hague


7 -2 win for Agents

Lineup of the day

Goal: Joel (Tom last 10 mins)

Defense: Jasper-Helvijs-Marian

Centers: Ville-Tino

Attack: Ulrik, Tobi, Jurgen



Second game of the 19/20 season! Our "new-old" coach for 19/20 Ulrik, chose to only bring 10 players (whereas only 8 fieldplayers - gr8 tactical move from Ulrik) to this saturday game in the wonderful second city of Netherlands - Den Haag. Due to several players having problems beeing sick during the week, this turned out to be a fysically challeging game for Agents with players being worn out after the game out of tireness.

Worthy to mention is that coach Ulrik also chose to chock the opponents by putting on our brand new white jersys this game. The blog-writing commity had the opportunity to interview Ulrik before the game about this choice, and one quote really explained it all in a good way

"For Agents color doesnt matter - we are a team who like to play floorball".

Anyways - enough of the bullshit - lets move on to the game:

1st period.

Blue Falcons chose to put some 12-13 players on the field today which meant they obivously had more "spring i bena" than Agents. This required Agents to play smarter and not outrun ourselves. The first half of the period went back and forth with Joel doing some great saves for Agents. Agents did not produce so much forward which (rightfully) pissed coach Ulrik off. So he took things in his own hands and scored two goals in the end of the period. Less talk-more action Ulrik, we like that! Blue Falcons also managed to score once after a very nice freeshot - cudos! Agents went to the break with only a 2-1 lead but somehow feeling quite confident due to coach Ulriks seniority and calmness.

2nd period.

Started the same way 1st period ended- with Ulrik scoring - and the Hattrick was a fact. The estimated 7000 people watching the game today threw in their hats NHL-style on the field honoring Ulrik. What a moment for him, incredible.

If Ulrik was amazing, the 4-1 goal from duo Tino-Jurgen was possibly even more astonoshing. Tino - being the only player who managed to run the whole game - took the ball from defense dribbling around for 10 seconds up and down and through the Blue Falcons defense ending up giving a perfect on-the-blade-pass to Jurgen on the left side of the field. Now you might wonder what our dutch superkid from the north did with the ball? He just smacked it straight away upp i nättaket, untakable for the goalie. Even Jurgen himself looked shocked scoring such a beatiful goal.

3rd period.

Started off a bit shaky since Blue Falcons scored a quick 4-2 goal which could have led to the ending being stressful. But no - Agents needed only ONE (Agents got a total of four 2-mins...) powerplay for our other dutch star and jeugd-guru Jasper Meijer to score 5-2. The rest of the game was a walk in the park whereas Tom came in and succesfully stopped everything in the way and Tobi scoring 2 easy goals in the end after great pre-play from Marian and Ville. Great job agents - now get some rest for the monday practice! Over & Out.


1 star: Tino Vamalanen

Tino was by far the Agent player with the most "spring i bena" out there. Running up and down - all the time and everywhere made it very difficuly for Blue Falcons. Great work Tino.

2 stars: Ville Lahtiläinen

When 18/19 coach Sami left everyone was worried - we really needed a new Finn in the team! The replacement we got - oh my god - he is just amazing. Ville, despite caughting the horrible dutch cold during the week, did a great game in the center putting passes on the blade all the time. Thanks Ville, keep on going and one day you will (maybe) be our new Sami!

3 stars: Ulle

A true (almost) hattrick in the second game of the season! That is a guarantee for a 3-star. Ulriks mastermind coaching before the game together with scoring and helping out so much out there makes him a solid candidate for the European floorballer of the year. Amazing Ulrik, we cant believe you having the noble age of 36, when you run out there you look like a fit 19 year old! Fantastico!

Verbeteringspunt van de dag:

Tino needs to buy a stickbag for next time. The absence of a stickbag (togehter with the bad dutch weater) made him 10 mins late on the bike which could have been devastating for Agents. Please start a crowdfunding-campaign and invest in one for next time!



Ulrik Jonsson 3 + 0

Ville Lehtonen 0 + 3

Tobias Ahlqvist 2 + 0

Jurgen Polling 1 + 1

Jasper Meijer 1 + 0

Tino Vanhanen 0 + 1

Marian Baloga 0 + 0

Helvijs Sobris 0 + 0




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